Thursday, June 18, 2015

So You think you can Sew...

This started out to be a tutorial on how to make a princess dress...
But then it morphed into "How to survive making a princess dress"
And now it's basically more of a "Look!  I made a princess dress!"
(maybe it should have been a tutorial on how to take a picture without your thumb in it!)
And then it changed into something else entirely when, after carefully watching my processes in making the princess dress, Noah asked if he could try making something...
Hmmm, sew like mom?
Those are some big shoes to fill!
Actually they aren't, I just really wanted to use this picture...
Anyway, we started with the basics, a book bag...
But of course, curious Noah wanted to know what other stitches my machine could do, so we tried something new...
Success!  He kept saying "I just can't believe I made a bag!"
(That's a sentiment I can fully appreciate as I have often referred to sewing as a super power, and I was quite surprised at how well my princess dress attempt turned out...
did I mention I made a princess dress?!)
The ever practical Noah added Velcro to keep the bag closed, and just couldn't wait to fill it with important things...
Nailed it!

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