Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I know, I know, I promised you all in April that I would be doing a better job of posting...
I may have slightly underestimated how busy life continues to be!
But, lest you should think that I have completely abandoned you, let me share a quick summer recap with a continued promise to keep posting as often as possible!
So, this summer we have been...
celebrating birthdays...
And playing with Legos...
And visiting dinosaurs...
Or at least what is left of the dinosaurs!
And playing with Legos...
We have been to a wedding...
And celebrated 10 years of mairrage!
We been have visiting with family...
 And playing with Legos...
 and visiting with family... 
and playing with Legos...
We have spent time being a princess...
And exploring the unkown...
We have spent time as a family...
But mostly...
You guessed it,
We've been playing with Legos!!!


  1. No Lego Movie watching!? That's what we've done! :)

    1. Lol! Yes, that too! In fact I think I am in a permanant Lego Movie coma!!

  2. Bryce and Noah need to get together. All he wants to do is play legos too!
