Thursday, May 2, 2013

Italy...Part One!

I've decided to break up my blog about our trip into 3 parts...mostly because I took a lot of pictures that I want to share, and it would be a really long post if I crammed it all into one!
Part one is the first leg of our trip to Italy, Lucca, Pisa, and the beach...
First, say hello to our rental car, a Fiat 500...
Otherwise known as the smallest vehicle a family of four could possibly ever fit into...
But, hey, we're in Italy, so it's all good...
until small vehicle+ twisting roads = car sick Gigi :(
Thank goodness for wipes and spray hand sanitizer!
Hello Lucca!
This gorgeous medieval walled city was Tuscan perfection...
a postcard everywhere you looked...
And we ate it up!
Then it was off to Pisa...
The kids loved the leaning tower...
Noah wanted to climb it, but they don't allow kids under the age of 8 (Noah plans to return)
Climbing 400+ stairs inside a lopsided building spiraling ever upward while surrounded by tourists was about as fun as it sounds, but the views...
were spectacular...
And well worth the trip!
But why bother staring at all that architectural beauty...
When you could be observing ants instead?!
I mean they can carry 10 times their body weight, the tower of Pisa can't even stand up straight!
And really, nothing competes with the excellence of a gillato break...
Unless it's a perfect cappuccino!
Ok, the pasta ranks in there somewhere too...
And, did I mention....
The wine?!!!
Ok, day 3 found us dipping our tootsies in the Mediterranean...
Warm air, soft sand, and cold water!
Noah focused his energy collecting shells...
Gigi played in the sand...
and mugged for the camera...
and I soaked it all up...
It was hard to say good bye to Lucca!
Stay tuned for part 2 of our trip...Florence!


  1. I'm so impressed that you pulled this presentation together so quickly! It's fantastic! You made me fall in love with Luca!!!

  2. Awesome! I can't wait for our cruise this Summer! Your trip is giving me a little peek into what we can see on our trip! Welcome home!
